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Crafting pixel-perfect web experiences with a passion for design and a knack for code

Crafting pixel-perfect web experiences with a passion for design and a knack for code

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  • Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Interested in roles with the following levels:

  • Junior

Looking for:

  • Full Time Employee
  • Full Time Contract
  • Part Time Contract

Technology Experience

ReactHTMLCSSBootstrapMaterial UIJavascript


As a front-end developer, I want employers to know that I'm not just a coder; I'm a creative problem solver with a keen eye for user-centric design. My passion lies in crafting web experiences that not only function flawlessly but also captivate users with their visual appeal. I possess a diverse skill set, spanning HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the latest front-end frameworks, making me adaptable to various project requirements. My commitment to responsive web design ensures that the websites I create are accessible and engaging on all devices. I take performance optimization seriously, tirelessly working to reduce loading times and enhance user interactions.

Moreover, I thrive in collaborative team environments, where I communicate effectively, absorb feedback, and work closely with cross-functional teams to achieve project goals. The ever-evolving tech landscape excites me, driving my dedication to continuous learning and staying current with emerging technologies. My strong portfolio showcases the projects I've tackled, illustrating my ability to transform ideas into functional, visually stunning web applications. I approach challenges as opportunities for growth, consistently displaying a problem-solving mindset. In me, employers will find a front-end developer who is not only proficient in code but also deeply committed to delivering exceptional user experiences and meeting the demands of the ever-evolving web development landscape.


I take immense pride in my project portfolio site, where I meticulously combined aesthetics and functionality. It beautifully showcases my work and consistently ranks high on search engines, attracting a steady stream of potential clients.

For the e-commerce front-end project, I spearheaded a complete redesign. The result? Sales increased by 25% within the first quarter, and user bounce rates dropped by 15%. My focus on intuitive design and seamless user experience directly and positively impacted the bottom line.

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