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Passionate Front-End Developer Transforming Ideas into Stunning Web Experiences

Passionate Front-End Developer Transforming Ideas into Stunning Web Experiences

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  • Giza, Egypt.

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Interested in roles with the following levels:

  • Junior
  • Mid

Looking for:

  • Full Time Employee
  • Full Time Contract
  • Part Time Contract

Technology Experience

CSSES6HTMLJavascriptReactjQuerySCSSSassStyled ComponentsTypescript


As a senior university student with a strong passion for front-end development, I'm excited to embark on my journey as a web developer. I've dedicated my time to mastering the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and I'm eager to apply my knowledge to real-world projects.

While my professional experience may be limited, my dedication to staying updated with the latest web development trends and my enthusiasm for creating user-friendly and visually appealing websites make me a promising candidate. I believe in the power of technology to enhance user experiences, and I'm ready to contribute my skills to your team.

During my academic journey, I've had the opportunity to work on several personal projects that showcase my creativity and problem-solving abilities. I'm excited to transition these skills into a professional setting and continue learning and growing as a front-end developer.

I'm open to opportunities that will allow me to collaborate with experienced professionals and contribute to exciting projects. Let's connect and discuss how I can bring a fresh perspective and a strong work ethic to your team.


Hello, I'm currently a senior student at Cairo University's Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence, where I'm majoring in Bioinformatics. While my academic journey has revolved around Bioinformatics, my true passion lies in web design and development. This has led me on a remarkable journey to become a full-stack web developer. Now, I'm eager to launch my career as a front-end developer, all the while continuing to expand my knowledge and skills in the direction of a full-stack pro.

What's unique about my journey is that it's been largely self-driven, with a hefty dose of YouTube tutorials and hands-on practice. Most of my projects are actually dummy sites that I've built as part of my learning process. Here's a look at some of these projects, along with their links:

1. Weather App: This project showcases my ability to work with APIs to provide real-time weather information.

2. Yummy: I designed and developed this application by integrating external APIs, making it a great example of my self-guided learning journey.

3. Prodigi Call: Unlike the others, this is a real website I created for a cold-calling company, demonstrating my practical skills in translating client needs into functional web solutions.

4. Smart Login: Here, I built a secure login system from scratch, which is a fundamental aspect of web development.

5. Bookmarker: I used this project to practice and showcase CRUD operations, essential for working with databases in web applications.

6. DevFolio, Mealify, and Daniels: These projects primarily focus on design, allowing me to demonstrate my expertise in creating visually appealing web interfaces using HTML and CSS.

7. Midas Acquisitions: This is a website I developed for a real estate company based in Texas, USA. While this project was developed using Wix, it underscores my adaptability in using various web development platforms to meet client requirements.

These projects have been pivotal in my journey, offering me practical experience across a wide spectrum of web development skills. I'm excited to take these skills to a professional environment, where I can contribute to exciting projects and continue my growth as a developer.

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