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seasoned veteran looking for a new challenge

seasoned veteran looking for a new challenge

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  • Midwest USA

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Interested in roles with the following levels:

  • Senior
  • Mid
  • Staff

Looking for:

  • Full Time Employee
  • Part Time Contract
  • Full Time Contract

Technology Experience

CSSHTMLJavascriptNode.jsReactReduxSCSSSassES6Styled ComponentsTailwindUITypescriptWeb PerformanceWebpackWordpressjQueryMySQLPHPGitJSXViteExpress.jsBabelWeb SocketsMongoDBREST API


i love building cool tools and apps that make people’s lives simpler. I’ve built with small to medium sized advertising studios to the largest brands in the world through Salesforce. I’d enjoy helping your team reach their goals.


Anonymous group voting app using node and websockets

pipeline messaging activity and dashboard using node, react and advanced CSS

A/B/X group split testing functionality

Undo/Redo functionality for messaging segmentation pipeline app

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