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I am looking for Frontend Developer Role

I am looking for Frontend Developer Role

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  • Rajkot

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Interested in roles with the following levels:

  • Junior

Looking for:

  • Part Time Contract
  • Full Time Employee

Technology Experience

ReactNode.jsJavascriptNext.jsReduxHTMLCSSTailwindStyled ComponentsSassMySQLMongoDBWeb SocketsBootstrap


I'm a Software Engineer with 1+ month of experience in , Reactjs, Nodejs ,Nextjs, Redux with proficiency in web technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, building large-scale web applications, cross-browser platforms.


Developed a web application which is used to find the house on rent nearby share.

Implemented an admin panel that allows administrators to add customers and add their services to see all rental details, including payable amounts, extra charges, and transaction history.

Designed a user interface that enables customers to create their own account, search for rental houses, and also view transaction details.

Technologies used: Nodejs, ExpressJs, Ejs, Stripe payment Integration, MongoDb and JWT Authentication.

The project will be implemented using the MERN stack to ensure scalability, performance, and responsiveness.

Key features include user authentication and advanced search functionality,add friends, profiles, post sharing, likes, comments.

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