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A passionate frontend developer specialising in ReactJS

A passionate frontend developer specialising in ReactJS

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  • India

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Interested in roles with the following levels:

  • Junior
  • Mid

Looking for:

  • Full Time Employee

Technology Experience

ReactJavascriptHTMLCSSES6AccessibilityNode.jsReduxStyled ComponentsTailwindGitBootstrapMaterial UIJestREST APIMongoDB


Front-end developer with proven ability to design and develop JavaScript-based applications for web or mobile environments. Strong knowledge of React JS, HTML, CSS, Javascript and TailwindCSS. Experienced in all stages of interface component design, from conception to final testing and deployment of web-responsive applications.


1\. Range - Instant messaging application  § MongoDb, Express.js, React.js, Node.js

• Integrated to enable seamless and responsive chat functionality, allowing users real-time one-to-one and group communication.

• Implemented user authentication and authorization features to ensure secure and private messaging experiences.

• Designed and implemented own REST API for seamless interface.

2\. GistNotes - Note taking application  § MongoDb, Express.js, React.js, Node.js, Redux

• Implemented essential features, including Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations for managing notes.

• Enhanced user experience with Markdown formatting support, allowing users to create well-structured notes.

• Ensured data security and user access control through user authentication and JWT-based user authorization, with

MongoDB as the database backend.

3\. Scroll - Social media application  § React.js, Node.js, TailwindCSS

• Developed a dynamic social media platform using React.js, offering features like post creation, updates, and deletions.

• Implemented interactive features such as comments, likes, bookmarks, and user authentication.

• Designed user profiles with customizable avatars, bios, and profile pictures, and integrated user-following

functionality to connect users within the platform. All styled with Tailwind CSS for a modern look and feel.

4.Bookbugs - E-commerce application for books  § React.js

• Designed an engaging landing page and product catalog with advanced search and multiple filtering options.

• Implemented features such as wishlist management, cart management, and user address management.

• Ensured data security and user access control with user authentication, private routes, and state management using

React Router and Context API.

5\. Momentum - Fitness Website  § React.js, Material UI

• Developed a fitness exercises information web application using ExerciseDb API and Youtube recommendation API.

• Designed an engaging home page showcasing diverse exercises with informative GIFs and a robust search functionality

for precise exercise discovery.

• Enhanced user experience with Material UI pagination, detailed exercise pages with YouTube video recommendations,

and suggestions for similar muscle group and equipment-based exercises.

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